tiistai 22. marraskuuta 2011

Kummajainen fyssarilla

Kumma kävi eilen fyssarilla, tässä yhteenveto. Liikkuu hyvin, lievä selän notko ajoittain ravissa, taipuu hyvin. Seistessä symmetrinen, rangan jousto riittävä, syvät lihakset vaikuttavat kehittyneen etuosassa, mutta takaosan ja vartalon syvät lihakset saavat aktivoitua vielä tehokkaammin. Lihaskireyksiä ei tänään selkeästi havaittavissa, nivelten liikkuvuudet normaalit.

Jumppaohjeet säilyvät ennallaan, paitsi osa niistä tehdään epätasaisella alustalla. Mukava oli kuulla, että kaveri on kunnossa!

Kennelliiton viralliset terveystulokset tulivat myös jokin aika sitten: lonkat B/B, kyynärät 0/0.

torstai 17. marraskuuta 2011

Step by step

It is starting to be more and more in my thoughs: trialing! Kumma being now over 18 months, and able to participate in agility trials, is getting my excitement increasing. I like and miss a positive stress of trialing. I have no idea how we will do with Kumma in terms of results, but I'm sure we will have fun.

But to be able to start trialing, some basic obstacle skills need to be completed.

Seesaw: Kumma can perform a seesaw with a lowered obstacle, need to increase height little by little, and make sure confidence is there all the time. Good 2-on-2-off so far.

Tire: no problem as a single obstacle, but needs more training as parts of the course (distances before and after, entry angles).

All contact obstacles: 2-on-2-off is pretty good, but lately I have focused on upside performance. This is still under work, but today's training session showed that there is some understanding and we are on the right track. I'm currently adding more handler movement as a distraction. My plan is to transfer solid performance with distractions, when get rid of the plastic box little by little, and transfer the behaviour onto a complete dogwalk and A-frame only after that. I don't want to mix and confuse Kumma's 2-on-2-off performance if he is making a mistake with the upside contact.

Jumps: I've been pleased with Kumma's jumping. He is now jumping 50 to 55cm, and there is typically zero or one knocked bar in one training session. Need to increase height to 55 to 65cm, and start training tight turns with full height.

This is the minimum, and will be our focus during coming months so that we could enter first trials early spring. Perhaps jumping courses even earlier.

From my side, I need to switch my thinking and consequently my handling and timing from one obstacle at time mode into a fluent flow mode.

Neeo is now fully recovered from his operation, doing kamikaze jumps again from the sofa. Hoppu is also fine, having sometimes too much speed considering that he doesn't see. This is making our walks a bit complicated as I need to protect him from attacking trees and poles. I have enjoyed warm autumn, nice long walks and training sessions in the garden. There is no hurry to get snow, I don't miss it at all, neither the IGs. Kumma will love it.