Here is a summary of our agility career
- Agility training started in 2001 while we were staying in California. Thank you Garril for giving excellent start for us!
- In 2002 we joined HAU, Helsingin Agilityurheilijat. It is still our club and we have enjoyed many many motivating classes there :)
- 9 trials in 2003. Certificate to 2nd level in September 2003.
- 27 trials in 2004.
- 18 trials in 2005.
- 8 trials in 2006. Neeo's toe was injured and it took 6 months to recover.
- No trialing in 2007, as we lived in the UK. We had an opportunity to join Sunniday Agility Club classes, and were very pleased with UK training experience.
- 18 trials in 2008. Certificate to 3rd level in May 2008.
- 23 trials in 2009.
- 6 trials in 2010.
- Total 109 official agility runs with Neeo.
- My dream come true: I was able to take Neeo to the 3rd level, as a 1st Italian Greyhound in Finland.
- The most embarrasing moment: only some minutes before it was our turn to go to the ring, I managed to lock dogs, car keys, and my phone inside the car. Excuse me, we will not run today, my dog is not available... Well, I learned something, and haven't repeated this. So far.
Life of the hurricanes in 2001
Last but not least
There is a chance that a third hurricane will join our family in May!
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