2 hours of training with Zeljco Gora. I knew close to nothing of his methods or style when I decided to use this opportunity to participate. I'm happy I did, this training was excellent and gave a lot to think. There were only jumps and tunnels on the course, and Kumma did 40 to 45cm jumps. Exercises were pretty challenging for us. What I liked in this training was that it matched well with my thoughts and plans about giving a dog his own responsibility, and not to micromanage everything by being close and using complex handling manoeuvres (because I don't feel confortable with those).
Some notes and thoughts after the training:
- Need to work on tight turns with a tunnel entries next to a jump.
- Go on cue needs much more training.
- Lateral lead out with 180 jumps, followed by a front cross, was not easy for us.
- Focus on training quality, not quantity. Keep sessions short, don't do "one more" repetition.
- I need to think how I'd like to balance independent obstacle performance, verbal cues, and my own movement. For example I want Kumma to react when I'm changing hands without a verbal cue.
- Kumma had nice focus and speed, but at the end he was tired and not doing his best anymore.
Agility class in the evening. Lights were not working and we were able to do only pull throughts in poor lighting.We did those in both directions with one to three jumps, and Kumma did great job. I didn't use verbal cuing at all, and Kumma responded nicely to my handling. At the end we did too many reps, and he started to lose interest. Don't do "one more"!
Jumping class with Vappu and girl friends Rinna, Sara and Sätkä.
- Started with basic grid, 6 jumps in a zigzag. 3 reps, ok but lacking power and fun a bit. For some reason Kumma was distracted, even if the place and other dogs were familiar.
- Next one was 6ft-jump-9ft-low jump-9ft-low jump (-tunnel). This was technically ok, but motivation was not there. A tunnel was added at the end, but still there was not enough drive.
- Third and last was was a set point, with a 6ft distance. No sit and stay this time, play and go was the plan and it worked really well. I'm not sure how many reps there where, perhaps six or seven. Jump was a double one, starting low. At highest it was 65cm, with a 7ft distance. That time Kumma knocked the front bar. Back down, and then 60cm. It was a perfect jump! Kumma has good and fluent jumping technique.
- We can forget sit and stay for a while, and do everything as play and go.
- In courses we can continue using 40 to 45cm jumps, and one or two higher ones (50 to 55cm) as surprises.
- Excellent training!
Tänään Kumppis kävi fyssarilla, toinen kerta. Liikkui suorana, taipuu ok, ravissa hieman takakorkea ja keskiselkä lievästi notkolla. Seistessä symmetrinen, syvät lihakset kohtalaiset, mutta saavat vielä kehittyä etenkin etuosassa ja vartalossa. Kireyttä oli jonkin verran etureisissä, ja oikealla puolella myös rintalihaksissa. Kumma antoi hienosti käsitellä, ja saatiin jumppaohjeita, osa tuttuja, osa uusia. Yhteenvetona kaikki hyvin, ei mitään erityisiä löydöksiä, hyvillä mielin voi treenailla.
Olipa hauska törmätä eilen fyssarilla! Olemme käyneet Niinalla vuodenvaihteesta ja ollaan oltu oikein tyytyväisiä hänen käsittelyihin. Tino on käynyt tähän asti n. 3 kuukauden välein, mutta nyt kun treenataan vähän enemmän, niin käydään 2 kuukauden välein. Iroin kanssa on vuorostaan tullut käytyä todella tiuhaan selkäleikkauksen takia, mutta nyt poika käy harvemmin ja katsotaan miten pärjäillään.
VastaaPoistaLuulin ensin eilen että se oli Kumma, joka piti pientä murina-ääntä Tinolle, mutta sehän olikin Tino (hui!). Pitää jatkossa kiinnittää tähän huomiota, kun Kumma on ainoa, jolle Tino on murissut. Jätkä on nimittäin yleensä aika alistuvainen, mutta olihan pojat sen näköisiä, että olisivat lähteneet leikkiin, jos olisi ollut mahdollisuus.